Friday, May 16, 2008


This week has been a really busy week. We have been busy getting ready for vacation and also I have been busy with hair. My workouts have not suffered fortunately, but me eating has. I feel like I haven't had time to cook and eat as clean as a ususally do. I really have a craving latley for hamburgers and chocolate. I finally gave into the hamburger craving tonight and it tasted super yummy. I guess we all have to give into our cravings sometimes. I guess the thing I love most about eating clean is you can get off track one meal but the very next meal you can make good choices again and you don't have to beat yourself up about getting off track. So I am feeling a bit guilty about my choices this week because I am going to be in a bathing suit next week, but there is a new day tomorrow and I will do better tomorrow. Happy Clean Eating!!!

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