Tuesday, January 1, 2008

वहत इस चलेँ एअतिंग

What is clean eating? Consuming food in its most natural state - or as close to natural as possible. This is the soul to clean eating. This is not a diet. This is a lifestyle approach to food and the preparation of food. Living the lifestyle leads to health, well being, and a lean look for your body. A clean eating lifestyle includes the following foods...

*Colorful fruits and veggies

*Whole grains

*Lean protien


Things to steer clear of when you are trying to eat clean

*Overly processed foods

*refined foods

*White flour and sugar

*Saturated fat and trans fats

*Anything fried

*Sugar-laden colas and fruit juices


As you change your eating habbits you will notice how much better your body performs and feels. You will notice more energy, sustained energy levels you will not have extreme ups and downs, less cravings for sugar.

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