Thursday, January 3, 2008


Wow, I had a really hard run today. I have a varicose vain in one of my legs, it is giving me so much trouble lately. My leg aches and hurts. So annoying. I feel like it is holding me back. Especially today I just could not get below a 7 minute mile, I tried hard but it was just not going to happen today. So I logged a few extra miles to make myself feel better. Then I did some Pilates thinking that I would stretch out better that way and stretch longer obviously. That actually seemed to help a bit. Maybe I will try to do some yoga tonight to get some more stretching in. Clean eats all day, I am doing really well this week I am feeling so clean!! I have been trying to get in more water too, about 8L a day. I feel like it cleans my body out. Water is so yummy. I love how it tastes right after a hard run. I think we will have chicken salads tonight for meal 3, dinner, that sounds good. Happy clean eating.

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