Thursday, March 13, 2008

P90X Yoga

WOW!! That is all I can say tonight. I forgot how hard P90X Yoga is for me. P90X Yoga is also really long, after about 45 minutes I start feeling like there are a lot of other things I need to be doing at this moment. I did get through the DVD but not without looking at the clock every other minute. THe first 35 minutes are really tough but the rest of the DVD moves a little slow. I think 20 mintues could be shaved off if Tony would just stop talking and get moving. Reguardless I had a great workout and that makes me happy. Happy Exercising!!!

1 comment:

SuccessWarrior said...

"You've got a talking donkey."

"Yeah, it's getting him to shut up that's the trick."

- Shrek =)