Friday, February 15, 2008


Dried cranberries are my favorite treat at the moment. Cranberries are delicious in everything, Yogurt, Salads, oatmeal, a handful all by themselves. Cranberries are sweet like a treat and add so much flavor to food. Happy Clean Eating!!!


Janelle said...

AHHH I love it. I just started cleaning eating and I love that you have a blog on it. It's fun to read about someone else doing it. I need the tricks though. I am down 6lbs in 3 weeks and I need to get down 14 more ASAP so I can beat my husband to 20lbs. Any ideas? PS. I am coming to washington in a week and half!

Alex and Jessica and kids said...

I love when someone has decided to eat clean. Such a great lifestyle. Limit your carbs. Don't eat any carbs in the late afternoon and evening. Up your protein intake. You will beat him!!!