Sunday, February 17, 2008


Think before you eat. If you think before you put that chocolate or cupcake into your mouth. Do you really want that sweet?? Or could you live without it?? Take 5 minutes and come back to see if you really need that treaty treat treat and if you do by all means eat away. But you may feel differently if you walk away and come back to your temptation. Happy Clean Eating!!!


erin said...

i found your blog through Angela's.... i just read through everything, and eating clean sounds so wonderful. have you found it expensive to make the change? we are on a tight budget, and that is my only concern. i will be looking up clean eating on the internet for resources!
you are inspiring!

Alex and Jessica and kids said...

Clean eating is definately more expensive. But really worth it. I guess if you find by the in season fruits and veggies you are better off price wise but eating clean is more expensive.