Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Clean eating is the best thing to do for your body. I have been staying on track and keeping the good food coming into my body which makes me feel great. I would have to say it is easier when I talk about eating clean daily on the blog and also with other people. My sister is pregnant and before she got pregnant she was so great about eating clean and then she was horrible about it and I lost my motivation a little bit because we were not talking about it constantly and talking about new recipes and new tricks that work. So she is back into it now after gaining a little too much weight and realized quickly that clean eating really does work and if you don't want to be a heffalump you musy keep going strong. I have now found a new dedication to eating clean. I didn't completely fall off but I was eating too many treats during the week instead of just having my favorite indulgence a brownie tower on sunday. So other people do motivate is and having people around you that are living the same lifestyle helps you to be strong. Love you sissy!!! Happy Clean Eating!!!

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