Sunday, April 27, 2008


I have been a busy lady this week with not a lot of time to blog. I have had a hard time keeping with my schedule too. I feel like I am living on protein drinks and oatmeal. I love both but I definately need more variety. I am hoping this week will be different so that I can eat better and more frequently. Clean eating is such a fabulous lifestyle. I feel so much better about myself when I am eating clean and staying focused on my families diet. I have a few recipes I am excited to try this week so I will post any that makes this family or me happy. Happy Clean Eating!!!

My workouts this week have been fabulous. I seem to always find the time I need to fit the exercise part into my crazy schedule. I guess if I don't get my workout in I am not a nice lady at all and no one wants to be around me. It is one thing to have a fat day and be a complete mess but it is another thing to miss a workout because then we have a very unhappy and crabby mommy at this house. I have continued to get up early before the kids and do either weight training, yoga, pilates. I feel so happy getting up when the house is still quiet and I don't have to be a mommy quite yet. I hope everyone tries to find time in their day to have me time and workout, it makes all the difference in the world. Happy Exercising!!!

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